Skylar Davis


Skylar Davis


Meet Skylar. Skylar Davis is a part of the original Planet X Universe. She makes her first appearance in Planet X: Dawn of a New Age in chapter 2, “Agenda,” after her father, Calvin Davis, returns from war and meets up with her and her mother in the homeless shelter where they reside at the age of seven years old. However, in Planet X: New Lost City "Child of the Wild", we are reintroduced to Skylar as she faces new challenges in her life.

Character Name: Skylar Davis

Nickname / Alias: Sky

Date of Birth: May 14, 3000 (18)

Place of Birth: Area 13 (The Capital of the International Space Station)

Species: Homosapin

Race: Sub-Saharan African, Native America, and Asian

Languages spoken: English

Native language: English

Height: 5'11 

Weight: 155

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brown

Hair Style: Curly Afro, Curly Afro with Braids, French Braids

Facial hair:  

Skin Pigment: Golden Bronze

Key Relationships/Family Tree:

Parent: Calvin Davis Sr. (father) & Angelina Davis (mother)

Siblings:  TBA